Our Mission

is to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to communicate the never changing Truth of God’s Word to His people in new and fresh ways through both live theater and video. To, like the parables that Jesus told, make God’s Word come alive in contemporary and ancient characters and stories.

First and foremost, our mission is to worship and glorify God with our craft. Therefore, a secondary part of our mission is to first help people discover their talents and passions and then to train and equip people to use their skills, talents and passions to worship and glorify God.

Good Shepherd Theater writes and produces original skits, videos and full length plays for various functions at our church and our community.

The Impact on the Actors:
Those who have been able to participate in Good Shepherd Theater have experienced the unique, exciting and fulfilling opportunity to use a talent, a passion, a skill and an art form for the glory of God. Many times, through working on a play, the actors themselves learn even more than the audience does about the Truth from God’s Word which that particular play is teaching. All of our auditions are open to anyone in the community. We welcome actors of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, and levels of acting ability. Even if you've never acted before, we'd love to be the place where you learn!

The Impact on the Audience:
Through our performances, our audiences have experienced the unique power of drama to communicate God’s Word beyond the cognitive level to reach straight to the heart. All of our performaces are FREE and are open to our entire community.

We Use Stories Because Jesus Used Stories:
There is a reason that Jesus used parables to communicate much of His message to the crowds. The purpose of the parables was to call forth a spontaneous emotional response from the hearer. As Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart so astutely recognized in How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, the reason Jesus used parables was not simply because stories made it easier for the people to understand His deep theological points. On a far deeper level, it is because stories make people feel, they make people react, they get at the part of someone which is underneath who they say they are and what they say they believe. A good movie can make a pacifist root for the good guys to go to war. It can make a policeman pull for a grieving father to take the law into his own hands. It can even make a staunch atheist hope for a miracle.

Drama, music, movies, visual arts, or any other form of art have that ability to make you laugh and cry—to feel—without even really noticing that you are. God’s Word can be even more effective than the arts in calling forth a response in us, but sometimes we close our hearts and ourselves off to it. Or sometimes, through difference in language and culture from the time period of the Scriptures, we simply do not understand right away what God’s Word is saying. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, contemporary drama and video can really pierce through the hardened heart and help open our eyes to the unchanging Truth of God’s Word in new and surprising ways.

Please browse our site for more information on our theater or upcoming plays or to learn how you can get involved in Good Shepherd Theater.

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